
26 Feb

Cut Energy Costs at Home

Quality Metal Roofing
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Homeowners spend thousands of dollars per year on energy. Whether a home is big or small, energy costs are a concern for homeowners.

Though some of the costs of home ownership are beyond a person's control, there are some steps homeowners can take to reduce energy costs and save substantial amounts of money as a result.

  • Address any leaks. One of the most effective ways to cut energy costs is to weather strip doors and windows throughout the house. Doing so will keep warm air in the house when it's cold and prevent drafts that occur when cold air enters the home through cracks and leaks. If a home has an attic, be sure to seal pipes, chimneys or ductwork. Addressing leaks can save homeowners as much as 10 percent on their annual home energy costs.
  • Use compact fluorescent lightbulbs instead of incandescent lightbulbs. CFLs use one-quarter to one-third less energy than traditional incandescent lightbulbs. In addition, the Alliance to Save Energy notes that CFLs can last up to 10 times longer than traditional lightbulbs.
  • Be mindful of the thermostat. Most homeowners and their families spend a good portion of their day out of the house. Home heating costs can be reduced by as much as 20 percent if homeowners simply lower the thermostat during the day by 10 F. For homeowners who feel they won't remember to do so on a regular basis, a programmable thermostat will do the job on its own.
  • Lower water temperature. Lowering water temperature can also lead to substantial savings. Homeowners can save as much as five percent on their water bill by lowering the temperature on their water heater by as little as 10 F. When doing so, touch the outside of the water heater. If the outside is cold, the water heater has sufficient insulation If the water heater is hot to the touch, wrap a water heater jacket around it to increase efficiency.
  • Replace older appliances. Older appliances, be it an older central air conditioning unit or an older water heater, often need to expend more energy than they did when they were new. What's more, especially older appliances might not meet Energy Star standards, which can cost homeowners substantial amounts of money over the course of a year. Homeowners who replace such appliances might be eligible for tax credits when buying more energy efficient products.
Read 1641 times Last modified on Monday, 19 February 2018 15:16

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